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PFLAG West Chester / Chester County

About Us

PFLAG West Chester / Chester County began in 2001, providing peer support, education, and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community and the people that love them.

We are committed to creating a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them through community-engaged, grassroots support, education, and advocacy efforts.

Since our founding in 1973, PFLAG's national network of hundreds of chapters and more than 325,000 members and supporters have been helping create an equitable and inclusive world where every LGBTQ+ person is safe, celebrated, empowered, and loved.

What We Do

Provide Support – PFLAG facilitates separate monthly in-person and online support groups, as well as a weekly support group for parents and allies of transgender folks. We also provide periodic programs for special topics and events.

Offer Education – Each month, as part of our support groups, we provide a different education topic relevant to the time of year (back-to-school, coming out, etc.).  For the parents / allies of transgender folks, we provide a faith-based discussion one week, book club the next week, sharing our stories, and trans-specific education topics. We also do periodic special programs like suicide prevention training, name change clinic, and others.

Advocate – PFLAG strives to partner with other local and National organizations to educate key decision-makers about the issues that affect our loved ones and families, and to teach others how to use their voices to amplify our efforts toward a more equitable, and just world for the LGBTQ+ community.